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Dear all,

Sorry, my reply comes a little bit late….
Perhaps this paper may help:

Schönborn, W., Petz, W., Wanner, M., Foissner. W.: Observations on the Morphology and Ecology of the Soil-Inhabiting Testate Amoeba Schoenbornia humicola (Schönborn, 1964) Decloitre, 1964 (Protozoa, Rhizopoda). Arch. Protistenkd. 134: 315-330 (1987).

Best regards,

Manfred Wanner

Try Maria Beatriz Gomes e Souza at moc.liamg|sgaibm#moc.liamg|sgaibm


Hi everyone
Does somebody help me to find this manuscript?
Lena, H., Zaidenwersg, S.J., 1975. Tecamebas del delta del Parana(Argentina). Rev. Esp. Micropaleontol. 7, 519–537.
It is few old 🙁 but i really need it.

Lena & Zaidenwersg, 1975 by FerCCFerCC, 28 Apr 2021 19:34

Kasia Marciz asks this question:

I'm writing to ask about Schoenbornia humicola, more specifically, about the shell of the species.

I was trying to find information about the type of shell Schoenbornia humicol builds.

I contacted Ferry and he assured me about what I found in literature (paper attached, the original description as Pseudonebela humicola):

Schönborn describes the shell has having "siliceous plates as idiosomes" ("… mit Siliziumplättchen als Idiosomen"). Further he observed new-formed idiosoms in the cell plasm just like Euglypha ("Im Plasma der inaktiven Stadien beobachtete ich mehrmals vorgebildete Idiosomen ähnlich wie bei Eulgypha.").

Ferry Siemensma confirmed this.

Edward Mitchell believes these are not idiosomes because the platelets are not of uniform shape or size, at least according to the illustration used by Meisterfeld (2002). Rather they look at best as recycled idiosomes but may even be flat mineral such as mica.

Andrey Tsyganov agrees. "I agree with Edward that truly idiosomic species should have limited number of plates types of regular shape because they synthesize them. In case with Shoenbornia it seems that the plates are irregular in shape and size that rather points to extracellular origin of the plates than to unusual intracellular synthesis. "

Meisterfeld, R. (2002) Order Arcellinida Kent, 1880. The illustrated guide to the protozoa (eds J. J. Lee, G. F. Leedale & P. Bradbury), pp. 827-860. Society of protozoologists, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.)
Schönborn, W. (1964) Bodenbewohnende Testaceen aus Deutschland. I. Unterstuchungen im Naturschutzgebiet Sarrahn (Macklenburg). Limnologica, 2, 105-122.

Edward Mitchell - Pseudopod your life!

Hi Anna,

I'm quite sure that what you observed would have been called Phryganella acropodia by many ecologists. I have frequently observed very similar tests ca. 30µm diameter together with larger ones ca. 50µm. Depending on which key you use they may even be included in the Cyclopyxis arcelloides-type.

Of course if you have living specimens with visible pseudopods you will know if they are Phryganella or not based on the pseudopod morphology. Empty tests are more tricky.

It is quite clear that these general morphotypes likely include several taxa. It would be very useful to conduct a study combining morphometrics, DNA barcoding and ecological observations to clarify this maze…

Edward Mitchell - Pseudopod your life!

Anna Šímová would like help to identify a Cryptodifflugia species

Edward Mitchell - Pseudopod your life!

1 is most likely the egg capsule of a worm.
2 is the case of a bdelloid rotifer (genus Habrotrocha most likely).
3 is Euglypha
4 Trinema
5 most likely Phryganella (if the aperture is invaginated it would be Cyclopyxis)
6 Trigonopyxis
7 unclear, is the aperture on the top left?

For more precise identification it would be helpful to have the sizes.

Edward Mitchell - Pseudopod your life!

Dear all,
Up to genus level I could identify…..I need up to species level identification…anybody can help?

For all it is worth - not sure if you need identifications below genus.

82-18a is a Nebela (Anush can help further)
82-18 Euglypha
82-8a Trinema
72h Euglypha

Pseudopod your life.

Hi all,

A new colleague, Bindu, is requesting some help identifying species from India. They can be found here:

Pseudopod your life.

I am posting some images of moss inhabitant rhizopods from Western Ghats (a hot spot of India) for which I got confusion.
Pl. discuss
Dr Bindu L
Scientist D
Zoological Survey of India

Hi all,
I tried to attach the images, but could not. Anyone can suggest the procedure for attaching images/

I am posting some images of moss inhabitant rhizopods from Western Ghats (a hot spot of India) for which I got confusion.
Pl. discuss

Unidentified rhizopods by BINDU  LBINDU L, 10 Jan 2018 11:37

Gauthier-Lièvre L. and Thomas R. 1958. Les genres Difflugia, Pentagonia, Maghrebia et Hoogenraadia (Rhizopodes testaces) en Afrique. Arch. Protistenkd. 103, 241–370.

Hello everyone,

I am looking for this paper:

van Oye P. 1956. Rhizopoda Venezuelas. Erg. Dents. Limnol. Venezuela Exp. 1: 329-360.

Also, I am looking for paper with description of Nebela d'ydevallei van Oye 1953.

Does anybody have these papers? My e-mail address is moc.oohay|atekulnafets#moc.oohay|atekulnafets

Thank you very much in advance.

With best regards,
Stefan Luketa

van Oye (1953, 1956) by Stefan LuketaStefan Luketa, 02 Sep 2017 13:14

Anush Kosakyan sent me the files, thank you!

Re: Vucetich (1983) by Stefan LuketaStefan Luketa, 13 Mar 2017 17:42

Hello everyone,

I am looking for these two papers:

1) Vucetich MC. 1983. Contribucion al conocimiento del genero Quadrulella Cockerell, 1909 (Rhizopoda: Testaceolobosa) en la Argentina. Limnobios. 2(7): 526-532.

2) Lopretto EC, Vucetich MC. 1997. A new species of the genus Quadrulella Cockerell, 1909 (Rhizopoda: Testacea). Neotropica (La Plata). 43: 3-5.

Does anybody have these papers? My e-mail address is moc.oohay|atekulnafets#moc.oohay|atekulnafets

Thank you very much in advance.

With best regards,
Stefan Luketa

Vucetich (1983) by Stefan LuketaStefan Luketa, 12 Mar 2017 19:27
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